Contract Specs
Purpose of contract is to:
Distribute rewards by permissioned contracts (_minters) from current balance of bridged G$ rewards or mint fresh ones on sidechains.
Give permissions to bridges to mint G$ on sidechains (starting with based on
should modify/add logic to MintBurnWrapper
GoodDAO needs to register scheme on the sidechain (so it can call controller to mint)
Should implement the following methods
initialize(uint256 bpsPerDayMaxValue, address guardian)
setUpdateFrequency(uint256 timestampOrBlockNumber)
only avatar or guardian
addMinter(address minter, uint256 cap, uint256 max, uint32 bpsPerDay, bool withRewardsRole)
bpsPerDay is relevant for sendOrMint functionality, cap+max are limits for bridge and other minters. withRewardsRole, does this minter has permissions to call sendOrMint.
bpsPerDay is in basepoints ie 300 = 300/10000 = 0.03 = 3%
calculate nominal perDayDistributionLimit = _bpsPerDayDistributionLimit*G$Supply/10000
adds minter, dateUpdated(can be block), _bpsPerDayDistributionLimit and perDayDistributionLimit to the list of addresses that are allowed to mint
should only be updatable by Avatar or Guardian
should be able to call this multiple times to update _bpsPerDayDistributionLimit
should emit event
removeMinter(address _minter) // or add with 0
removes _minter
should emit event
only runs if(contractG$Balance>0 && mintingDebt>0)
burn: burned = min(contractG$Balance, mintingDebt)
mintingDebt -= burned
sendOrMint(uint256 _amount, address _to)
should verify sender is a minter
call balanceDebt()
should reset mintedToday[minter] if day passed
should send to _to: sentAmount = min(contractG$Balance, _amount)
should mint to _to mintedAmount = min(perDayDistributionLimit - distributedToday, _amount - sentAmount)
totalRewardsSent = sentAmount + mintedAmount
mintingDebt += mintedAmount
increase distributedToday[minter] with amount totalRewardsSent
if updateFrequency months passed or a updateFrequency months worth of blocks (depending if we keep blockUpdated or dateUpdated) then recalculate the perDayDistributionLimit according to current supply
should emit event
reentrancy guard + update then call pattern
return the totalRewardsSent
support for a single token transfer to bridge via multichain without needing to approve token transfer first
support multichain router API
Last updated
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