This is the staking contract that allows citizens to stake G$ to get GOOD rewards.
Last updated
This is the staking contract that allows citizens to stake G$ to get GOOD rewards.
Last updated
Emitted when staker
earns an amount
of GOOD tokens.
Parameter name | Annotation |
Emitted when staker
stakes an amount
of GoodDollars.
Parameter name | Annotation |
Emitted when staker
withdraws an amount
of staked GoodDollars.
Parameter name | Annotation |
The function allows a staker to deposit Tokens. Notice that approve
is needed to be executed before the execution of this method.
Can be executed only when the contract is not paused.
The function withdraws the senders staked G$.
Can be executed only when the contract is not paused.
The function allows staker to withdraw their rewards without withdraw their stake.
Returns: amount of rewards that were sent to the msg.sender
The function allows to acquire the number of G$ rewards for a specific _user
Returns: an amount of G$ rewards for the user.
Parameter name | Annotation |
Parameter name | Annotation |
Parameter name | Annotation |
The staker address who earned reputation.
The amount of reputation.
The staker address who earned reputation.
The amount of stake.
The staker address who earned reputation.
The amount of stake.
The amount of G$ to stake.
The amount of G$ to withdraw.
User to check the pending rewards.