Connect another wallet address to identity
How to associate multiple wallet address with your verified wallet address.
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How to associate multiple wallet address with your verified wallet address.
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Once connected, your new wallet address will resolve to your original wallet address that was verified in our Identity smart contract. That means you will be able to claim also with associated accounts. Other dapps that rely on G$ identity can also take advantage of connected accounts.
You can associate multiple wallet addresses with your verified address. However, this does not increase the total number of claims allowed. You can still make only one claim per day, regardless of the number of associated addresses
Use the tool below to connect another wallet address to your verified GoodDollar account. Or go to this page:
Paste the address of your verified GoodDollar wallet in the input box.
Click on "Connect Wallet" and connect with the wallet address you want to link to your GoodDollar identity, not with your already verified wallet address.
Click the "Sign Message" button.
Finish signing in your wallet
If using MetaMask, switch the wallet address in MetaMask.
If you need to connect with another wallet, click on the current wallet address at the top to disconnect and reconnect with another wallet.
Click on the "Connect Account" button.
Review the details, submit the transaction, and approve it in your wallet.
By following these steps, you will successfully call the connectAccount
The identity contract is available on both Fuse and Celo networks. To connect on Fuse:
Click the network button at the top, next to your connected wallet address.
Select the Fuse network.
Start the process from the beginning.