Building Blocks

Common components meant to be used across the app, this components ensure consistency and helps to make changes and further development faster.

There are a list of several common components being used across the app that should be considered before creating new components.

This components (as all other component) are react-native-web based. Specially components with interactions follow material guidelines and are based on react-native-paper

This components includes components to visualize and input G$, buttons, and profile related components as avatars components. Check the full list in common

Styling and Layout Guidelines

  • We write the styles as local as possible to the component. We prefer this ways or reusing styles in this order:

    • Extracting common styling to configurable components such as CustomButton, UserAvatar etc.

    • Extracting to the react-native-paper theme variable such as primaryColor

    • Extracting to the theme as a variable when a value is being used in several places and its not local. Example defaultPadding. NOTE: Do not extract when its a one case value, in that case, the value should be local to the component that uses the value

  • Fonts and font properties should be defined in reusable components and not on each screen components. This should be done in styling components as CustomButton or CustomText.

  • No layout on text or button components. All should be handled with the layout components such as Section , Section.Rowand Section.Stackand flex on it.


Section component is handling all this layout responsability in this way:

  • Section as a group with rounded borders with white background is the way or organizing blocks together

  • Section.Stack, Section.Row can be used with the following properties as modifiers: justifyContent, alignItems, grow

<Section grow>
  <Section.Title>Send To?</Section.Title>
    <Section.Stack grow={1} justifyContent="space-around">
        onChangeText={text => setScreenState({ to: text })}
    <Section.Row grow={2} justifyContent="flex-end">
      <ScanQRButton screenProps={props.screenProps} disabled={!!to} />
      <GenerateLinkButton screenProps={props.screenProps} disabled={!!to} />

Using `theme` variables

On a App.js there is a theme variable that is being pass to the react-native-paper provider. This theme serves to purposes, as a react-native-paper theme and as a styling theme

As a react-native-paper theme should be used following this guidelines

As a styling theme any styling variable that is being used in several places can be extracted to the theme and then being used across the app by wrapping the component that needs the variable with the withTheme HOC


import * as React from 'react';
import { withTheme } from 'react-native-paper';
import { Text } from 'react-native';

function MyComponent(props) {
  const { colors, titleFontSize } = props.theme;
  return <Text style={{ color: colors.primary, fontSize: titleFontSize }}>Yo!</Text>;

export default withTheme(MyComponent);

Using G$ components and utilities

This DApp uses G$ currency, however chain events and methods manage wgei (1 -> 100). In order to manage conversions and ensure consistency the token amount is being used in wgei accross the app.

The conversion is done right before displaying the amount for view components and right after user changes the amount in input components.

Code Examples

Showing users balance

// amount is in wgei
<BigGoodDollar number={balance} />

Component showing G$ converted from while the user types in.

const Amount = () => {
    // amount in wgei
    const [amount, setAmount] = useState()


Using GoodServer

In order to get or post data from and to GoodServer there is an utility class called API. Please see API docs for a full detail.

Usage Example

const sendRecoveryEmail = async () => {
  const currentMnemonics = await getMnemonics()
    await API.sendRecoveryInstructionByEmail(currentMnemonics)
      title: 'Backup Your Wallet',
      message: 'We sent an email with recovery instructions for your wallet'
  } catch (e){

Undux Store

There is a common store to manage some of the application states. We use undux which is a simple and type safe redux alternative.

The store can be used as a hook or inyected as a wrapper into a component. For more information please check the docs for GDStore

Usage Examples

Using useStore hook

const UserName = () => {
  const store = GDStore.useStore()
  const profile = store.get('profile')
  return <Text>{profile.fullNamme}</Text>

Using withStore wrapper

const UserName = ({store}) => {
  const profile = store.get('profile')
  return <Text>{profile.fullNamme}</Text>
export GDStore.withStore(UserName)

Setting values example.

const SomeComponent = () => {
  const store = GDStore.useStore()
  const toggleSidemenu = () => store.set('sidemenu')({ visible: true })
  return (
    <TouchableOpacity style={styles.closeIconRow} onPress={toggleSidemenu}>
      <Icon name="close" />

Please note that this is a simplified example on how to use the undux store. We are actually using utils functions for this kind of things


There are some effects being used on undux store. Effects are actions that can be fired based on the store's state and changes.

There are a few third party effects as pinoLogger that logs every change in the store and withReduxDevtools which uses dev tools to show on the browser the current state and all changes made.

Other effects are more interesting:

withProfile On isLoggedIn subscribes the store to profile updates on gundb

updateAllOnLoggedInCitizen On isLoggedIn fires an updateAll

Please check the full effect list for more info

Last updated

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